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Sione's Wedding

1h 37m Comedy, Drama, Romance 2006

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Sione is getting married. But there’s a problem, well actually, there are four problems - Sione’s brother Michael and his three best mates Albert, Stanley and Sefa; the ladies’ man, the good boy, the weird one and the party boy. They’re 30-something, but they still act as if they’re 16. They get drunk, they chase the wrong women and they have a remarkable record of causing chaos at every wedding they attend. But when Sione bans the boys from his wedding, they know something has to change. The boys have one last chance; find girlfriends to take to the wedding or be left out in the cold. Their lives are about to get turned upside down. How hard can it be finding a girl in the world’s biggest Polynesian city when you’re young, gifted and brown?


Oscar Knightley (Albert) , Robbie Magasiva (Michael) , Madeline Sami (Tania) , Iaheto Ah Hi (Stanley) , Pua Magasiva (Sione) , Teuila Blakely (Leilani)


Chris Graham


English, Samoan


New Zealand

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